Tuesday 15 January 2013

News for Healthy Diet Solution In 2013

Good news for "coffee people": it is not only a great "alarm clock", and drink excellent taste, but storm diabetes type (when lost tissue sensitivity to insulin, which can not "chase" the sugar into the cells.)

In the United States, scientists of the American University found that substances contained in coffee, can have a beneficial effect on the absorption of sugar by the body.

And the way to prepare a completely unimportant coffee still has a positive effect. Over coffee took when accidentally found that those who drank three or more cups of coffee a day, less than half suffer from diabetes.

We examined 17,100 people aged 29 to 59 years. What is striking, 4,200 of the surveyed - people with apparent predisposition to diabetes (severe obesity, dysfunctional family history, bad food, etc.).

However they have the insulin and sugar it was brilliant. "We do not want to recommend people drink coffee every day in large numbers, - said Rob van Dam, a scholar of the University - such very unpleasant consequences of addiction to coffee, as severe hypertension, osteoporosis, caffeine dependence, etc., have not been canceled.

But we can focus our efforts on creating a variety of coffee, possesses the desired qualities and devoid of most of the harmful properties.